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Your old books can be someone's new horizon!

Got books? Inviting you to participate in our ongoing book drive, an initiative dedicated to enriching the lives of incarcerated individuals across the nation. By donating books, you can provide a vital resource that supports education and personal growth within state and federal prison libraries.

Let's turn the page to a new chapter of hope and opportunity for those who need it most. This initiative is more than a book drive—it's a collective effort to build a more inclusive and supportive society.

"We non-profits expect to put in a lot of hard work soliciting donations and here you just show up unbidden and offer to contribute to our cause.  I am sure I will not be able to express all the thanks we feel. What you are doing is exactly what we could use right now. In addition to the gift of books is the gift of encouragement that comes from hearing from strangers telling us we are not alone in this world."

- UC Books to Prisons


Free Minds logo

Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop


UC Books to Prisoners

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Books to Prisons

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Florida Coalition for Higher Education in Prison

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Friends of San Quentin Prison Library

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Providence Books Through Bars

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Burdock Book Collective

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Wisconsin Books to Prisoners


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